Template:Icon templates

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Icon Template Clarification
File:WiiDrawing.svg {{Wii}} If Wii buttons such as Reset are used
0x30px {{Wiimote}} If Wiimote is held upright
0x10px {{WiimoteHorizontal}} If Wiimote is held horizontally
0x30px {{Wiimote1}} If app has support for one player
0x30px {{Wiimote2}} If app has support for two players
0x30px {{Wiimote3}} If app has support for three players
0x30px {{Wiimote4}} If app has support for four players
0x30px {{SensorBar}} If Wiimote infrared camera is used
0x30px {{Nunchuk}} If Wii Nunchuk is used
  1. Redirect Template:MotionPlus2
{{MotionPlus}} If Wii MotionPlus is used
0x30px {{ClassicController}} If Wii Classic Controller is used
0x30px {{WiiBalanceBoard}} If Wii Balance Board is used
0x30px {{WiiSpeak}} If Wii Speak is used
Les Paul Controller {{LesPaul}} If Guitar controller is used
Wii Zapper {{WiiZapper}} If Wiimote infrared camera is used for shooting purposes and nunchuk is used

In this case, do not use {{SensorBar}}

Wii Wheel {{WiiWheel}} If Wiimote is held horizontally and "steered"
Wii U GamePad {{WiiUGamePad}} If Wii U GamePad is used
GameCube Controller {{GCNController}} If GameCube Controller is used
USB Keyboard {{USBKeyboard}} If USB Keyboard is used
USB Mouse {{USBMouse}} If USB Mouse is used
DVD Drive {{WiiDisc}} If app reads Wii Optical Discs (not DVDs)
DVD {{DVD}} If app reads DVDs
Loads files from the Front SD slot {{FrontSD}} If app reads and writes to Front SD
Loads files from SDHC cards in the Front SD slot {{FrontSDHC}} Same as {{FrontSD}}, but with SDHC support
SD Gecko {{SDGecko}} If app reads and writes to SD Gecko
GameCube Memory Card {{GCNMemoryCard}} If app reads and writes to GameCube memory card
USB mass storage device {{USBMSD}} If app reads and/or writes to USB flash drive
0x30px {{USBGecko}} If app transmits data via USB Gecko
Bluetooth {{Bluetooth}} If Wii's Bluetooth functionality is used
Local WiFi {{WiFi}} If app connects to wireless local area network
Internet {{Internet}} If app connects to internet
Nintendo DS {{DSCon}} If Nintendo DS can connect to Wii using app